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And useful answers

What does I4F mean?

I4F comes from our motto “Inspire-for-Future” and our brand promise to the users of I4F assessments: ”We want to be the inspiration for your successful business future!“


Are I4F assessments the right fit for me?

I4F assessments are suitable for all individuals that want to check the level of development of their business competencies for successful business operations within the digital economy and for all leaders that wish to co-create and systematically develop a modern organizational culture to accelerate the execution of the digital business transformation of its organizations.

Why do you need I4F solutions?

The new rules of the digital economy elicit an appropriate response from individuals and organizations. Are they capable of creating and realizing it so they can be competitive in the digital economy, depending on the development of their competencies and culture. I4F solutions enable a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of digital competencies of individuals, digital capabilities of the organization and the organizational culture for digital business. I4F solutions tell you whether you are sufficiently prepared for successful business in the digital economy.


What is the target audience for I4F solutions?

I4F solutions are meant for every individual who wants to personally check their business digital competencies or have a business role that is connected to the digital business transformation, such as president of the board or CEO, leader of the digital business transformation (CDO) or CIO, HR manager, marketing manager (CMO), business analyst (BA), IT-specialist, process owner,….

How does the I4F work?

I4F solutions are 24/7/365 multidimensional solutions which means you can always access them online, so you can get a comprehensive and in-depth report on the state development for the evaluated areas as well as recommendations for their further development immediately after the assessment is complete.

In which situations could I benefit from I4F solutions?

I4F solutions offer a range of benefits in numerous situations where the successful response is dependent on the level of digital competencies of individuals, development of digital capabilities of the organization as well as the level of development of the modern organizational culture for doing business in the digital economy

Some examples of such situations:

  • digital business transformation,
  • developing a modern organizational culture,
  • career progress of digital talents,
  • developing digital leadership,
  • assessing the digital competencies of employment candidates,
  • implementing a successful digital project,
  • selecting a third party strategic digital partner or digital solution provider,
  • achieving compatibility of organizational cultures during (mergers and acquisitions) of companies,
  • examining the ROI of digital project investments…

How quickly can I get an analysis of my answers?

You can get the analysis as a digital report right after the assessment is completed.

What does the divestment analysis contain?

Report on the analysis of a modern organizational culture and digital capabilities contains:

  • overall index of the power of organizational culture for digital business operations (such as the DEEP index, customer focus) and the business performance of your organization in the future (such as the I4F potential index, manifesto multiplier),
  • in-depth analytical insights into the current state,
  • multidimensional insights, connected to this state (such as the prevailing organizational culture from the perspective of employee engagement within your organization…),
  • operative recommendations for reaching progress and
    important overall recommendations for doing business in the digital economy in the future.
  • The report of assessment of digital competencies according to the individual business role gives a grade for the development of individual digital competencies. We enable you to carry out a self-evaluation of the development of key digital competencies (according to the selected business role) and the possibility to asses them on multiple levels providing where the assessment of the development of your digital competencies is also provided by other key stakeholders – evaluators (such as managers, coworkers, subordinates, business partners, customers…).

How do I monitor the assessment progress through multiple consecutive assessments (such as comparing years)?

I4F solutions enable a comparative analysis (benchmarks) through different time periods. You can also check all the performed evaluations on your own portal.

Can I be the administrator of the assessment procedure for your coworkers?

Yes, the I4F solutions have included a portal for the administration of the entire process of managing I4F assessment solutions which enable you to plan, prepare and execute a in-depth analysis project, personalize its functionality to your needs (such as assigning units and individuals that will carry out the assessment) as well as monitoring progress over participation and an overview of the results.

How do I order/buy the assessments?

Assessments can currently be accessed by contacting us personally. You will soon (by June 2021 at the latest) be able to buy all assessments directly in our online store which will be a part of the I4F website. This way you can digitally execute the entire procedure, from the purchase, administration and gaining analyses/assessment reports.

How is the safety of my information ensured?

All your information is safeguarded according to GDPR and by the cybernetic security of the IT system and databases.

What do the I4F logo and tagline mean?

The I4F logo includes the sign, name and tagline.

The sign shows the multidimensional nature of I4F assessment focusing on the individual assessments focused on individuals with winner mentalities who benefit their own progress and the progress of all associated stakeholders within the organization as well as outside of it.

The inspire4future name comes from our brand promise: “Want to be the inspiration for your successful business future!”

The multidimensional business assessments tagline marks the I4F assessment through many different dimensions of an individual assessment areas: organizational cultures for operating within the digital economy, digital capabilities and competencies as well as the content and time dimensions and the focus dimension which are also connected by the multidimensional I4F progress indicators.


For further questions contact: info@inspire4future.com

For further questions contact: info@inspire4future.com