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Secure your digital business investments

Developed digital capabilities increase the profitability of every digital investment as well as the entire digital business transformation.


Companies no longer independently decide their own destiny


Your future business performance is measured trough your current abilities


Is our organization “strong enough” for the successful execution of the business transformation


True leaders can see further


Organizations and individuals experience different digital situations every day


Value for buyers and employees, benefits for the organization


Companies no longer independently decide their own destiny

The business environment around the organization has substantially changed. If the organizations did not notice this and adapted, they will feel it very soon.
Organizations are less and less able to independently decide on their own business development. The customers, more than ever, get to decide whether they want to accept our offer, since they can easily find numerous other alternatives.
This is because they have a host of modern digital technologies and solutions at their disposal. The digital customers require an individual approach which is shaking up the principles of the economies of scale. The digital customers want an above average experience and value at every step of the way which puts pressure on cost measures (maximizing profitability).
The digital customers require an immediate response which drives fast decision making. The digital customers want…
The digital economy works according to a new set of rules, which i.e. include: Customer Centricity, Experience Economy, Sharing economy, Platform Economy, Everything as a Service, Integrated Economy, cross-industry competitiveness (asymmetric competitiveness), lack of digital talents.
Organizations and their employees need new competencies and a more modern organizational culture for the new business conditions within the digital economy.
One of the most important characteristics of the digital economy is the experience economy which manifests itself as the: customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX), user experience (UX), brand experience (BX), digital experience (DX), service experience, emotional experience, stakeholder experience (Sx). The expression that connects everything is the total experience (TX).


Your future business performance is measured trough your current abilities

This is what causes the need for different, comprehensive and interdisciplinary key business indicators.
Our multidimensional progress indicators represent a comprehensive approach to managing key business indicators of organizations within the digital economy:
1. Time dimension: we systematically analyze such current core capabilities and potentials of the organization which enable it to be successful today and in the future (modern organizations have an ambidextrous outlook: a future outlook (using telescopes) and a detailed look into current operations (using microscopes).
2. Content dimension: we are focused on analyzing (digital) capabilities which are the best indicators of future success: people – digital competencies, organizational culture – business culture in the digital economy, decision making models, digital processes, digital technologies and digital solutions.
3. Focus dimension: since the context of cooperation in a business environment is changing in the digital economy, we will also analyze the amount of outward focus within the organization. Our assessments also check whether the organization is focusing on creating strategic partnerships on the level of entire business ecosystems which is one of the most important characteristics of the digital economy and the future of business.


Is our organization “strong enough” for the successful execution of the business transformation

Digital capabilities are the collection of digital business strengths of the organization that offer coordinated cooperation with the goal of ensure a successful digital business transformation which is an important part of the organization’s mission within the digital business economy. The core structural elements of digital capabilities: people – digital competencies, organizational culture – the business culture within the digital economy, decision making models, digital processes, digital technologies, infrastructure.

Examples of digital capabilities: managing the digital business transformation, managing disruptive innovations, managing digital technologies, the model of automated (AI) decision making.


True leaders can see further

The world has substantially changed and it’s still changing. Yesterdays rules are almost non-applicable today, while today’s rules may change tomorrow. The best companies are already preparing for the day after tomorrow. It’s not important whether this day after tomorrow will be known as the post digital or renaissance digital era or something completely different, it’s important that they will be prepared for it.
The new world and new society require new thinking, new focus and new perspectives. If companies and organizations want to be successful in the future, they constantly need to develop new forms of business systems, culture, capabilities, competencies, work environments and value creation for their customers.

This is why we compiled seven core values in our Inspire4Future Manifesto*:

  • From Pressure to Freedom.
  • From Digital to Post-digital.
  • From Customers to Business Ecology.
  • From Hierarchy to Kinship.
  • From Knowledge to Unconscious Agility.
  • From Denial to Desire.
  • From Profit to Positive Impact Value Distribution.

The I4F multidimensional assessment deeply focuses on these areas according to different appearances of their development.
Do you want to know where your organization currently stands? Do you wish to check whether you are ready for the of business? Do you want us to inspire your future business operations?


Organizations and individuals experience different digital situations every day

I4F solutions use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a range of situations in the digital economy.


Value for buyers and employees, benefits for the organization

Organization have always existed to create value. The digital economy is no different. The only thing that changed is the source and beneficiaries of the value creation.

The most successful organizations first create value for their customers, employees and other stakeholders in their business ecosystems. They are aware that their needs are source of the value and that satisfying such needs will provide a more permanent value source for the organization itself as well as its shareholders. A permanently excellent customer experience, brand experience and employee experience are worth more to organizations today than short-term profits achieved by excessive cost optimization and profit focus.

Developed digital competencies and a strong digital culture are the foundations upon which the organization can use new resources and truly build new forms of value for the customers and employees as well as additional business benefits.

Example: the digital culture which supports disruptive innovations using advanced digital technologies, developing digital leadership and digital talents, connected into digital work environments that involve customers will generate a new value-added digital offer (such as an above-average customer and employee experience). All of this strengthens the motivation of digital talents for innovating as well as customer loyalty, which motivates them to return and leave good recommendations on social networks, which attracts new customers and increases the organization’s revenue and market share.