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Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and accelerate the adaptation of your organization to new business circumstances.

The digital economy brings new business laws which drive new directions for the organizations as well as a new way of thinking, new modes of operations and offer of new value. Demanding digital customers require a personal approach, a rising level of experience and a unified communication regardless of the channel they are using. Buyers demand responsiveness from the organization as a whole so it must be aligned and connected in its actions. Organizations and their employees need new competencies and a more modern organizational culture for the new business conditions.

Managers within organizations need professional and multidimensional assessments of business capabilities for a successful transition into digital and/or any kind of future business. The assessments of the most important digital capabilities show a level of digital competencies of employees and the level of organizational culture development for doing business in the digital economy.

Key roles of the digital business transformation: president of the board/CEO, digital transformation leader (CDO), HR manager (HR), chief marketing officer (CDO) and leaders in other business functions. Process owners, IT-professionals, project managers and business analysts as well as other business integration roles in the organization can help them fulfill their responsibilities.

I4F solutions can use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a different digital situations:

– How can I systematically evaluate my potential/competencies?
– Which competencies should I learn or develop in the future?
– What is the modern organizational culture that is needed for doing business in the digital economy and what are our biggest challenges in connection to that?

Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and accelerate the adaptation of your organization to new business circumstances.

New challenges require new competencies

The digital economy brings new challenges of successful business to organizations. The employees must therefore upgrade their knowledge, skills, abilities and business behaviors. I4F multidimensional assessments provide an accurate analysis of the development level of the most important digital competencies.

The winning culture of the digital economy

The digital economy has sparked new economic laws which significantly change the conditions of doing business. This also drives changes within organizations if they wish to keep their business strength and competitive position. The success of these changes is crucially dependent on the organizational culture. The I4F analysis among others shows the level of development of the drivers of the digital business transformations and warns you about its blockers.

Encourage progress with the digital economy indicators

The digital economy brings a different business context of modern organizations. This is what causes the need for different, comprehensive and interdisciplinary key business indicators.
If you want to systematically monitor the business development of the abilities or strengths of your organization in the digital economy, you will need new overall metrics, such as:
1. DEEP (Digital Economy Energy Power) measures the preparedness of your organization to successfully operate in the digital economy.
2. Inspire4Future Potential shows how well you are prepared for successful business performance in the future.
3. Customer focus (Customer Centricity Index) will show you what is your customer focus (one of the most important characteristics of the digital economy).