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Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Our modern assessments enable timely development of true digital competencies and a breakthrough organizational culture.

The digital economy provides new laws (such as the economy of experience, economy of integrating the business ecosystem) and the new operating conditions for organizations. Some organizations have been using the full potential of the exponential development of digital technologies and use an increasing number of advanced digital solutions which gives them a crucial competitive advantage. This drives other organization to include the connected use of digital technologies in their business processes. This requires new competencies from their employees and an organizational culture which is favorable to new technologies.

The digital customer is armed with digital technologies and application and can be notified through the Internet and social networks. He can communicate with the organization trough digital channels. The organization must be able to handle this. Even though the digital business transformation is primarily focused on business performance, this does not mean that digital technologies are not important. Just the opposite, since they have a significant impact on the transformation itself, such as in establishing new digital business models. The role of IT is more important than ever before.

Key roles of the digital business transformation: president of the board/CEO, digital transformation leader (CDO), HR manager (HR), chief marketing officer (CDO) and leaders in other business functions. Process owners, business analysts, project managers and IT specialists can help them fulfill their responsibilities.

I4F solutions can use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a different digital situations:

– How can I systematically evaluate my potential/competencies?
– Competencies should I learn or develop in the future?
– What are the competencies of the members of the anticipated team for executing the digital project?

Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Our modern assessments enable timely development of true digital competencies and a breakthrough organizational culture.

A break-trough culture of the digital economy

The digital business transformation is the key to business competitiveness in today’s extremely changing and demanding business environment. Together with its characteristics and the fast developing digital technology it demands a different type of organization and its operations which also means a change in its organizational culture.
The fundamental question for the organization is whether we are truly ready to this new reality? The transformation of the organizational culture – the set of beliefs, values, habits and experience that define the organization through its employees is one of the biggest challenges of a successful digital business transformation.

Digitally competent employees

Digital competencies are key abilities of an individual which enable them to successfully execute their work tasks and solve problems in their work area within the digital economy. They are a group of personal attributes, skills, knowledge, positions and capabilities which are required for achieving individual success in conditions, created by the modern digital business environment.
Just as good athletes need to focus on synchronous development of their muscles, an organization must take a systematic and comprehensive approach to developing their digital competencies if they wish to answer the challenges of doing business in the digital economy.

Encourage progress with the digital economy indicators

The digital economy brings a different business context of modern organizations. The digital business transformation brings a significant, comprehensive and multidimensional transformation of business systems. This is what causes the need for different, comprehensive and interdisciplinary key business indicators.

If you want to systematically monitor the business development of the abilities or strengths of your organization in the digital economy, you will need new overall metrics, such as:

  • DEEP (Digital Economy Energy Power) which measures the preparedness of your organization for successful business operations within the digital economy.
  • Inspire4Future Potential) which shows how well you are prepared for successful business performance in the future.
  • The influence of the organizational culture to the engagement and experience of employees: The I4F model of the influence of the organizational culture to the engagement under the conditions of the digital economy provides insights into four (4) dimensions of the organizational culture which significantly impact the engagement of employees and consequently to the ability of the organization to carry our a successful business transformation.