I4F - Loader

Provide the best experience to customers

Facilitate a customer-focused culture and upgrade your competencies to raise the brand experience (Bx) as well as the customer experience (Cx).

Organizations are less and less able to independently decide on their own business development. The customer, more than ever, gets to decide whether they want to accept our offer, since they can have numerous alternatives. The digital customers require an individual approach which is shaking up the principles of the economies of scale. The digital customers want an above average experience and value at every step of the way which puts pressure on cost measures (maximizing profitability).
The digital economy works according to new a new set of rules, such as: a view from the inside in, economy of experience, everything as a service, business ecosystems, asymmetrical competition.
Organizations and their employees need new competencies and a more modern organizational culture for the new business conditions.

The chief marketing officer needs active help in co-creating the best customer and brand experience.
I4F multidimensional assessments are meant for their closest allies: president of the board or the CEO, head of HR and HR manager, the leader of the digital business transformation (CDO).

The brand experience builds feelings, findings as well as behavioral and emotional responses of observers that come into contact with the brand. It is shaped based on the image and identity of the brand, its packaging, communication messages and the environment.
You can use our I4F to realize which (digital) skills and competencies of employees should be strengthened so your customers will get the best possible brand experience from interacting with your organization. Which characteristics of your organizational culture help you strengthen this experience and provide a challenge (block a good brand experience).

I4F solutions use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a different digital situations:

• Which digital competencies should we plan on developing with the goal of increasing our customer focus and providing the best brand experience?
• What is your organizational culture: mentality, reasons, viewpoints and values of employees that are crucial for the successful positioning of the new brand or brands?
• What is your customer focused culture like and where are your key challenges or blockers? To which elements of the organizational culture should we especially devote our focus, assets and activities in the future?

Provide the best experience to customers

Facilitate a customer-focused culture and upgrade your competencies to raise the brand experience (Bx) as well as the customer experience (Cx).

Digital competencies for the best experience

Our I4F multidimensional assessments will show which skills and competencies are key for ensuring the best customer experience (Cx). You can use them to systematically develop the employee competencies which will enable you to improve the brand experience (Bx).

The culture of co-creation strengthens the brand experience

The strengthening of the brand experience a comprehensive and multidimensional change in the way of perceiving, thinking, acting, arrangements and the culture of the organization. CMOs cannot complete this task on their own even if they have the required competencies. The need cooperation and active support from other key business roles (CEO, HR, CDO) and other colleagues (IT specialists, business analysts) as well as developed other characteristics of the organizational culture of digital business. An I4F multidimensional analysis of the culture of their organization provides an overview of these characteristics and their development level.

Encourage progress with the digital economy indicators

The digital economy brings a different business context of modern organizations. The digital business transformation brings a significant, comprehensive and multidimensional transformation of business systems. This is what causes the need for different, comprehensive and interdisciplinary key business indicators.
If you want to systematically monitor the business development of the abilities or strengths of your organization in the digital economy, you will need new overall metrics, such as:

• DEEP (Digital Economy Energy Power) which measures the preparedness of your organization for successful business operations within the digital economy.
• Inspire4Future Potential) which shows how well you are prepared for successful business performance in the future.
• Customer Centricity Index which shows the state of your customer focus (one of the most important characteristics of the digital economy).