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Accelerate digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and reinforce the digital focus of other competencies so they can be actively used in digital projects.

The digital economy provides new laws (such as the economy of experience, economy of integrating the business ecosystem) and the new operating conditions for organizations. Some organizations are already gaining competitive advantage through using new business models that are created using digital technologies and solutions. All this drives other organizations to finish their digital business transformation as soon as possible.

The leader of the digital business transformation needs active help.
I4F multidimensional assessments are meant for their closest allies: president of the board or the CEO, head of HR and HR manager, as well as the chief marketing officer (CMO).

Managers within organizations need professional and multidimensional assessments of business capabilities for a successful transition into digital and/or any kind of future business. The assessments of the most important digital capabilities show a level of digital competencies of employees and the level of organizational culture development for doing business in the digital economy.

I4F solutions use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a different digital situations:

• Which digital competencies should we plan on developing to successfully complete a digital business transformation?
• What are the competencies of the members of the anticipated team for executing the digital project?
• Does our culture reflect the culture and values of the best potential employment candidates (so called digital talents)?

Accelerate digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and reinforce the digital focus of other competencies so they can be actively used in digital projects.

Competencies for the digital self confidence

The weight of successfully implementing the business transformation too often falls to the shoulders of the leader of the business transformation. They definitely need help, but before they asks for it, they should show that they have done “their homework”. This means they upgraded their existing competencies and acquired new, digital competencies if required. I4F multidimensional assessments will show them which competencies they require and which level have they already achieved.

The culture of cooperation provides additional motivation

The digital business transformation is a comprehensive and deep change in the way of perceiving, thinking, acting, arrangements and the culture of the organization. Leaders of digital business transformations cannot complete this task on their own even if they are digitally competent for it. The need cooperation and active support from key business roles (CEO, HR, CMO) and other colleagues (IT specialists, business analysts) as well as developed other characteristics of the organizational culture of digital business. An I4F multidimensional analysis of the culture of their organization provides an overview of these characteristics and their development level.

Encourage progress with the digital economy indicators

The digital economy brings a different business context of modern organizations. The digital business transformation brings a significant, comprehensive and multidimensional transformation of business systems. This is why different, comprehensive and interdisciplinary key business indicators are required.
If you want to systematically monitor the business development of the abilities or strengths of your organization in the digital economy, you will need new overall metrics, such as:
• DEEP (Digital Economy Energy Power) which measures the preparedness of your organization for successful business operations within the digital economy.
• Inspire4Future Potential) which shows how well you are prepared for successful business performance in the future.
• Customer Centricity Index which shows the state of your customer focus (one of the most important characteristics of the digital economy).