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Usable for the BA business role

Business analysts have numerous opportunities to prove themselves in the digital economy.

Business analyst in the digital economy

I want to take a leap in my business analyst career, but I’m not sure about the following:

  • Which area of business analysis are my skills most suitable for?
  • How do I determine areas in which my knowledge is lacking?
  • Which digital competencies should I be developing?

Career or professional development

I strive for career advancement or professional growth so I can be more successful in reaching my business goals. This is why I want to know:

  • How can I systematically evaluate my potential/competencies?
  • What is the level of my current competencies?
  • Which competencies should I learn or develop in the future?

Implementing a successful digital project

We want to execute a successful digital project, so we want to know the following:

  • What are the competencies of the members of the anticipated team for executing this project?
  • How to develop the missing competencies of all project participants?
  • Which additional digital competencies should such members posses or develop (what do the trends, benchmarks and good practices say about it)?

The digital strength of our organization

We want to know if it can be measured, how well we are prepared to digital business operations and which level of business transformation have we achieved. We do not know the following:

  • Is there a model of assessing digital maturity and competencies along with a professional test – assessment that we can rely on?
  • Can we compare ourselves with others based on the acquired data and what is our position in relation to other organizations (what does the benchmark or comparative analysis in our industry state)?
  • What should we do to systematically improve our business performance in the digital economy?

Development of a modern organizational culture which is crucial for successful business performance in the digital economy?

We want to know about modern organizational culture elements, since we want to achieve successful business performance in the digital economy. This is why we ask ourselves:

  • What is the modern organizational culture that is needed for doing business in the digital economy like?
  • Which elements of our organizational culture should we develop in the future to be more successful?
  • What are our biggest challenges connected to the development of the required modern organizational culture?

Employment in an advanced digital company

I wish to work in an advanced digitally focused company. I have the following questions in connection to this:

  • Do I have suitable digital competencies?
  • Which additional knowledge and business behaviors should I develop in connection with this?
  • How can I objectively assess myself to reach the most credible result?