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Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and accelerate the adaptation of your organization to new business circumstances.

The digital economy brings new business laws which drive new directions for the organizations as well as a new way of thinking, new modes of operations and offer of new value. Demanding digital customers require a personal approach, a rising level of experience and a unified communication regardless of the channel they are using. Buyers demand responsiveness from the organization as a whole so it must be aligned and connected in its actions. Key business roles need help in this. The business analyst can offer them his as the agent of the buyer, cooperation facilitator and change driver.

The business analyst is in the heart of the action between the buyers, organization and digital technologies. It connects the needs of the buyers with the sensibility, responsiveness, connectivity and focus of the organization on satisfying them which brings value to the customers. Since they are well aware of the capabilities of digital technologies, they can help business and IT departments in finding the right solutions. This achieves a key influence on the organizational culture and at the same time, they need new competencies to achieve success.

Key roles of the digital business transformation: president of the board/CEO, digital transformation leader (CDO), HR manager (HR), chief marketing officer (CDO) and leaders in other business functions. Process owners, IT specialists, project managers and business analysts can help them fulfill their responsibilities.

I4F solutions can use multidimensional professional online analyses which help individuals and organizations evaluate whether their digital competencies and organizational culture are prepared for successfully handling a different digital situations:

– Which area of business analysis are my skills most suitable for?
– How can I systematically evaluate my potential/competencies?
– Competencies should I learn or develop in the future?

Become an indispensable link of the digital business transformation

Upgrade your digital competencies and accelerate the adaptation of your organization to new business circumstances.

New challenges require new competencies

The business analyst takes on new tasks when the organization enter in to the digital economy which involve the preparation, execution and continuation of the digital business transformation. They will need new competencies to achieve that. I4F multidimensional assessments of digital competencies will show which competencies they need and how proficient must they be in using them.

Leave your mark

The changes in the business environment define the necessary changes within the organization. The organizational culture represents the key influence on the speed and success of such changes. This should be customer focused in the digital economy, accelerate co-creation even beyond the organization, encourage break-trough innovation and favor digital technologies A competent and motivated business analyst should leave a significant mark in all these areas.

Co-create value

The value for customers and other stakeholders comes from satisfying their needs, so the organization must first recognize these needs and include the necessary sources and digital technologies to satisfy them. Leaders will be grateful if business analysts help them in these tasks. The organization creates value for itself by creating value for the stakeholders of its business ecosystem.